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Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

NDC - NES 2011

National Debate Competition 2011
A new solution to face the impact of climate and environmental change on Indonesian economy

National Economic Seminar 2011
Era Baru Perekonomian Indonesia : 
Green, Clean, and Profitable

on March 2011
at Universitas Padjadjaran
Dipati Ukur no. 35, Bandung, Jawa Barat - Indonesia

Contact Person :
Deasy : 085224463591
Kezia  : 08561339322

Prepared Motion and UPDATE NDC NES 2011

Greetings debaters... representing A-Core i would like to announce the update of NDC n NES 2011 and also list of Prepared Motion.
It will held on 18 – 21 march 2011, with reg fee Rp 500.000,- each team that will cover meal (snack and lunch) for 4 days competition including ticket for National Economic Seminar and City Tour.

For this year Tournament, each team not only having Races on debate competition but also in essay competition.

Call for essay Competition:
Setiap Tim wajib untuk membuat 1 essay dalam Bahasa Indonesia dengan Tema “ Era Baru Perekonomian Indonesia Green, Clean dan Profitable” dengan aturan :
1.       Panjang Karangan 1000-1100 kata.
2.       Format spasi 1.5 font Times New Roman
3.       Kertas HVS A4 margin kiri 3 cm kanan 2,5cm dan atas bawah 3 cm
4.       Karangan harus asli ,bukan saduran dan belum pernah dipublikasikan
5.       Softcopy dikirim melalui email
6.       3 essay terbaik akan dipresentasikan pada senin 21 maret 2011

The prizes for the winners of this year tournament will be:
1.       1  champion team will get Rp 3.000.000,-
2.       2. runner up will get Rp. 2.000.000,-
3.       3. Both Semifinalist Rp. 1.000.000,-
4.       4. All debaters can talks but not every debaters can have good skills in writing and presentation, we will give Rp. 750.000,- for the best essay team.
5.       5. As the Best Speaker,  yeah you not only got pride as the best individual score in the tournament but also cash Rp.500.000,-

So, Make sure all those cash and pride come to your pocket.
as we promises the atmosphere of motion will be wider, some of them pure economic, some of them pure environment and some of them clash between, so These are Prepared Motion for this year Tournament, :

1.       The Hammer Judgment.
a)      THW include “massive environment destruction” under ICC (International Criminal Court) Jurisdiction.
b)  THBT Domestic Court Should able to prosecute environment destruction abroad which Caused by MNC (Multi National Corporation).
c)       THW Alter ALL punishment of Environment Destruction to ONLY full restoration of Environment that defective.

2.       Money from Your Pocket.
a)      THW tax people on the basis of their carbon contribution.
b)      THBT Developed Countries Should Pay developing countries to control their population.
c)       THW give direct money for NGO that deal with green Movement.

3.       Al Gore vs Adam Smith :
a)      THBT Economic Growth is the key towards solving climate change
b)      THW abolish all taxes for Green Project.
c)       THBT EU should trade with other countries inversely Proportionate to their Emission.

4.       Consumer Behavior.
a)      THW Nullify taxation on Alcohol and Cigarettes
b)      THW Subsidize Individual House Ownership
c)       THBT Universal Health Care is Unconstitutional.

5.       Tinkering the Earth.
a)      TH Support Geo-engineering.
b)      THW privatize Conservation Forest.
c)       THW help SIDC’s to Begin their Land Reclamation Program.

The Registration already Open, see you in Bandung, happy searching

for registration kindly visit

Senin, 24 Januari 2011


24 JANUARI 2011 – 11 MARET 2011

24 JANUARI 2011 – 12 MARET 2011 
*Essai disertakan bersamaan dengan pengiriman formulir pendaftaran (ditunggu paling lambat seminggu setelah pengiriman formulir pendaftaran)


      1)  Peserta dipersilahkan untuk mendownload Formulir Pendaftaran NDC pada: 
Untuk mengetahui Rules Call For Essay dapat mendownload pada: 
2)  Setelah mengisi formulir pendaftaran lalu kirimkan ke email NDC-NES 2011
3) Biaya pendaftaran NDC-NES 2011 sebesar Rp 500.000,00 / tim. *(termasuk pendaftaran essai)
4)  Jika mengirim dua tim atau lebih biaya pendaftaran NDC-NES 2011 sebesar Rp 475.000,00 / tim *(termasuk pendaftaran essai).
5)  Peserta diwajibkan membayar uang muka untuk pendaftaran minimal sebesar Rp 200.000,00 (essai). Pengiriman biaya pendaftaran ditunggu paling lambat seminggu setelah mengirimkan formulir pendaftaran. Jika lebih dari seminggu maka pendaftaran di anggap gagal (kecuali ada konfirmasi).
6)  Pengiriman biaya pendaftaran dapat ditransfer ke rekening Bank BNI a.n Hafiza Fadila dengan nomor rekening 0183218532.
7)  Peserta diwajibkan mengirimkan scan bukti pembayaran biaya pendaftaran NDC-NES 2011 serta mengirimkan essai yang ingin diikutsertakan dalam lomba call for essay kepada panitia melalui email NDC-NES 2011 paling lambat seminggu setelah pengiriman formulir.
8) Peserta wajib mengkonfirmasi setiap pengiriman bukti pembayaran maupun formulir pendaftaran melalui sms atau telepon ke nomor  08561339322 (Kezia) atau 085717331788 (Meilani)
9)   Untuk setiap pen-transferan cicilan biaya pendaftaran tolong sms atau hubungi panitia.  
10) Peserta diwajibkan melunaskan sisa dari biaya pendaftaran dan lodging paling lambat pada tanggal 18 Maret 2011 saat melakukan daftar ulang di Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Padjadjaran,  Jalan Dipati Ukur no. 35, Bandung.

*  Biaya pendaftaran belum termasuk lodging (penginapan) sebesar Rp 200.000,00/tim/hari.

Peserta dihimbau untuk memakai satu email /universitas untuk melancarkan proses registrasi.